Michael Parrish Blog

Vintage Tools, Birding, Woodworking by Hand


This is not a professional blog.  However, if anyone is interested in reading one of my papers, they are listed below.

Parrish, M.C., S. Demarais, T.B. Wigley, S.K. Riffell, A. Ezell, and P.D. Jones. 2018. Operational green tree retention and land cover patterns in intensively managed pine forest landscapes of the southeastern U.S. Forest Science 64(5):564-576.

Parrish, M.C., S. Demarais, T.B. Wigley, P.D. Jones, A. Ezell, and S.K. Riffell. 2017. Breeding bird communities associated with land cover in intensively managed pine forests of the southeastern U.S. Forest Ecology and Management 406:112-124.

Parrish, M.C., S. Demarais, A.W. Ezell, T.B. Wigley, P.D. Jones, and S.K. Riffell. 2017. Retained vegetation density of streamside management zones and stringers in Southern intensively managed pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 397:89-96.

Parrish, M.C., and J.A. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2012. Associations between Multiscale Landscape Characteristics and Breeding Bird Abundance and Diversity across Urban-Rural Gradients in Northeastern Georgia, USA. Urban Ecosystems 15:559-580.

Parrish, M.C., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2011. Using geospatial data and principles of landscape ecology to identify field sites and characterize landscapes. Annals of GIS 17(1):63-72.

Parrish, M.C. 2009. Changes in breeding bird abundance and diversity across urban-rural gradients in Northeastern Georgia, USA.  Master’s thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 201 p.


In preparation:

Parrish, M.C.  2018. Effects of green tree retention on birds of Southern pine plantations.  Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS.

Parrish, M.C., S. Demarais, T.B. Wigley, P.D. Jones, A. Ezell, and S.K. Riffell. (in preparation).  Avian responses to local and landscape characteristics in southeastern U.S. intensively managed pine forests.


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